Go template delimiters conflict
Currently, I'm working on a project where I need to render LaTex documents using Golang template system. Tex language uses curly braces a lot. For example:
\textbf{This is bold text}
By default, Go template system also uses curly braces for defining the placeholders where variables will be rendered and functions will be executed, for example:
Hello, {{ .Name }}!
{{if .User.HasPermission "feature-a"}}
<h1>This is the feature A</h1>
For my project, I was rendering LaTex templates using Golang template system and I was having some troubles. Consider this template:
\textbf{ {{ .Name }} }
When I try to render it using Golang:
tmpl, _ := template.New("latex").Parse(string(content))
tmpl.Execute(witer, templateData)
I get an error:
unexpected "{"
And this is because, as you see in the template, there are 3 consecutive curly braces, and that's a Go template syntax error.
After struggling a bit, I discovered there is a way to change the default Go template delimiters ({{
and }}
This is the resulting code:
tmpl, _ := template.New("latex").
Delims("[[", "]]").
tmpl.Execute(witer, templateData)
As simple as that.