Cloud Architect & DevOps Engineer

Helping businesses scale with reliable and automated cloud infrastructure


Badly designed systems slow down your business growth, create security risks, and increase costs. Automation and infrastructure management, through DevOps and Infrastructure as Code, are vital to ensuring fast, reliable, and scalable software delivery.

My services help you build efficient software, automate processes, optimize your infrastructure and save money.

Software ArchitectureStrategic advice to ensure your software architecture supports your business objectives, maximizes performance, and minimizes technical debt.
DevOpsAutomation, configuration management, and CI/CD pipelines enable faster and more reliable software delivery.
Software DevelopmentDevelopment of web applications and backend systems that meet your requirements and exceed your expectations.
Cost Management / FinOpsI analyze your cloud infrastructure usage, identify cost-saving opportunities, and implement strategies to optimize resources while maintaining performance.
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Some companies I have already worked with

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eccocar logo
mango logo
asistecs logo
declarando logo
masmovil logo

About me

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Greetings, I'm Hector - a software professional with over 10 years of experience working with both established enterprises and innovative startups.

My expertise lies in backend and cloud engineering, with a strong focus on developing robust, scalable, and secure software solutions. I'm currently deepening my knowledge in the field of cybersecurity, ensuring that I stay at the forefront of the latest industry trends and best practices.

If you believe that my services could benefit your organization, I encourage you to connect with me on LinkedIn or reach out to me directly via email.

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